A special thank you to Harry’s Soda Shop and everybody who left a tip in August

Harry’s Soda Shop supervisor Mackenzie Whitson, left, presents Sitka Local Foods Network board president Charles Bingham with a check for $400 on Tuesday, Aug. 29, from tips collected in the tip jar this month.

Thank you to Harry’s Soda Shop, aka the Harry Race Pharmacy soda fountain, and all the customers who bought a milk shake, ice cream sundae or cone and left a tip in August. Harry’s Soda Shop generously donated $400 from the tip jar to the Sitka Local Foods Network this month.

Each month the staff of the soda fountain donate their tips to a selected Sitka nonprofit organization, and this month it was the Sitka Local Foods Network’s turn. We appreciate this way of strengthening our community. Thanks to everybody who put a tip in the jar, and to the staff of White’s Inc./Harry Race Pharmacy for sharing the tips with the community.